Cortes Lab
Cool Images · Cortes Lab @Virginia Tech

Cortes Lab @Virginia Tech   |  Unite to Divide

Cool Images

Cool Research Images

S. pyriformis stained for actin (cyan) and tubulin (magenta); autofluorescence of endosymbiotic Chlorella microalgae also visible.

Max intensity projection

Left: 3D rotation of volume. Right: 3D scan through volume

S. multiformis stained for actin (cyan), DNA (yellow) and tubulin (magenta); autofluorescence of pigment granules also visible.

Max intensity projection

Left: 3D rotation of volume. Right: 3D scan through volume

S. stipatus, related to S. amethystinus, stained for actin (cyan), and tubulin (magenta); autofluorescence of endosymbiotic Chlorella microalgae also visible.

Max intensity projections

3D rotations.